Jolanda van der Elst

Expo 5 in 2019 in The Hague

Expositie 2021, DLD, Buren

My exhibitions and awards
* June Artist of the Month (2020) at ArtistBe.com
* Jules Deelder- portrait:
On the Digital Writers Gallery of the Literatuurmuseum in The Hague you'll find a portrait of the Rotterdam writer / poet Jules Deelder, that I painted in 2007. Follow the link below. It's nice to read how the portrait, after many wanderings, came to the museum!
On my website you'll find the portrait under PORTRAITS.
. Maart 2025, 'Stilleven' - Voorschoten, Museum Voorschoten
. 22 and 23 Jun '24: Kunst aan Huis '24 - Leidschendam-
Voorburg (co-organiser and participant).
. 2024, Februari/March, Voorschoten, Museum Voorschoten. Group exhibition by Kunstgenootschap Vlietstreek.
Theme: Back to Nature.
. 1 January - 17 March 2024, Concours Des Arts by Dutch
Luxury Design, Buren. Combined exhibition of several
2023, 10 - 28 May, Voorschoten, Museum Voorschoten. Group exhibition by Kunstgenootschap Voorschoten. Theme: Chaos
- 2022, 1 October - 31 December, Concours des Arts by Dutch Luxury Design, Buren. Combined exhibition of several artists.
- 2022, 7 - 25 September, Voorschoten, Museum Voorschoten. Group Exhibition by Kunstgenootschap Voorschoten. Theme: Free/Freedom.
- 2022, 18 and 19 June, Kunst aan Huis '22 - Leidschendam-Voorburg (co-organiser and participant).
- 1 July - 31 December 2021, Concours Des Arts by Dutch Luxury Design, Buren. Combined exhibition of several artists.
- 2020, sept. Kunst aan huis '20 - Leidschendam-Voorburg (co-organiser and participant)
- 2020, 23 feb.- sept. Theater Ludens, group-exhibition 'Flamenco'
- 2019, sept. '50 tinten rood', group-exhibition Museum Voorschoten
- 2019, nov. Expo 5, Korte Vijverberg 2, The Hague, together with Jeanette Olyhoek, Marijke Pel, Vincent de Kievit en Kittie Markus
- 2019, nov./jan. Verpleeghuis Prinsenhof, Leidschendam. Combined exhibition with other artists.
- 2018 Kunst aan Huis '18 - Leidschendam-Voorburg (co-organiser and participant)
- 2017 Kunst en cultuurroute Pijnacker-Nootdorp, Dorpskerk, Nootdorp
- 2017 (Aug - Dec) Baseclear, Leiden
- 2017 Kunst aan huis '17 - route Leidschendam-Voorburg (co-organiser and participant)
- 2016 Galerie Brugman, Voorburg 'GEISHA'
- 2015/16 Galerie Leids, Leidschendam
- 2015 Fitness- & Racketclub Westvliet, The Hague
- 2013 Tandartsenpraktijk Benoordenhout, The Hague
- 2010 Autobedrijf Nooteboom, Nootdorp
- 2009 Galerie Nooteboom, Nootdorp (3rd price)
- 2006 Fonteinkerk, Voorburg
- 2004 De Hofstee, Rotterdam
- 2004 Humanitas, Rotterdam